Delighted to learn that Thao Truong, PhD, who performed a three month rotation in our clinical microbiology laboratory and participated in our translational research efforts, later obtaining a CPEP fellowship position at UCLA Children's Hospital, is now a clinical microbiology faculty member at the University of Washington! Way to go, Thao!
See our study in collaboration with the Kanki Laboratory at the Harvard School of Public Health. We used live cultured WA1, Omicron and Delta to compare limits of detection. Live virus was used to avoid artifact potentially introduced by use of gammma-irradiated or heat-inactivated virus used by manufacturer's in their submission to the FDA for EUA designation. Omicron detected just as well as WA1. Delta less well. Published in Journal of Clinical Microbiology today
Congratulations to Clin Micro Faculty Member, Ramy Arnaout: